Thursday, September 30, 2010

***reseach topic for the reseach paper!!!***

* for this first reseach paper assigment I'm thinking about idea #5!!! which is "portraying robots". I think there is so much interesting information in this topic!!! a lot of people are interested in how the robots are taking over and doing people's jobs... how maybe in the future it will be very difficult to get a job in a factory or an office, because robots will be doing the jobs!!! I think all of these issues are kind of scary but interesting at the same time. Is just amazing to see how new inventions like robots are making people lazy... some day we will have robots doing any single thing for us....they will be even thinking for us..... isn't it just crazy???? well we will see.... ^.^


  1. You seem very enthuastic about your choice of topics. Best of luck.

  2. Cool we're writing about the same thing :O. I'm going to use Wall-E as my example. Buena Suerte :D
