Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Critical thinking Blog -Assigment #1***

Hi!!! ^.^

     I'm Laura, I was born in Colombia, in a city call Medellin! I hope that all of you are enjoying this cluster as much as I do. I'm very optimistic about technology, its rapid advances and development! I think that technology make our life so much easier, because it can help us finish our tasks in a shorter period of time. Technologies like robots are just a demostration of our own abilities and intelligence. I think that if we know how to work things out they can became our best friends!! ^.^ Technologies gave us the opportunity to be communicated with our friends and family in all parts of the world. I believe that technology is a great opportunity to change for the better the future of our children and the next generations; with technological devices like air conditioners and heat, we some how can extend our possibilities of a better quality of life in places with extreme and changeable weather conditions like New York.

    I love technology and everything related with it, so I believe that some where in the future robots will have consciousness as we do. "Once strong AI is achieved, it can readily be advanced and its powers multiplied, as that is the fundamental nature of machine abilities" (Kurzweil 140). I agree with Kurzweil that artificial intelligence will get as same or better than human intelligence. It will be great to share coments and thoughts about different kinds of stuff with robots!, and have robot-friends or robot-teachers!! ^.^ and so on... I consider my self for the most part a science person. 

   In my college career I find it very useful the use of technologies like computers and the internet to get information for my essays and projects. I love robots and I'm very fascinated with all the things that they can do until now. My major desire is to become a counseling psychologist, so I think that technology will be very useful to study the people's minds and behaviors. With technology new medicines can be created and a lot of lives can be saved! :) With technology information can be easily distribute through societies so we can expect future generations with very high intelligence standars! I dream of a world in wich humans and robots will interact, live and help each other! :)

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