Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Critical Thinking Blog- Assignment #2 ^.^

     Technological devices are making a very big influence  in our today's society. Now we use technology for almost everything. Devices like computers and cellphones are used every day for thousands of people around the world. They are used to solve even the most simple tasks, and to communicate with others. In the actuality scientists and researchers are working in even a more advanced type of technology, Artificial Intelligence. This type of technology is defined as the science of making machines that can do the kinds of things that humans can do ("Artificial Intelligence"). I think that is very excited and interesting at the same time to have in our near future machines or "robots" specially, doing the same kind of activities that we do, and maybe been friendly and close to us like a "human" friend. 

    In the book "The Singularity is Near" by Ray Kurzweil we see a very optimistic point of view about AI. The author of this book try by a lot of different ways to show us how robots and technology will be very benefitial for the development of our society and future generations. The author says, "a super intelligence could give us indefinite life span, either by stopping and reversing the aging process though the use of nanomedicine, or by offering us the option to upload our selves" (Kurzweil, 137). This means that AI will not only gave us the opportunity to interact with robots like with other human beings but it will make us live longer or for ever. The development of artificial intelligence would change the way in which we think and share information with one another; having robots around would help us to live a less stressful life, because we can use them to realize any kind of job or task we want. I believe that the idea that some where in the future we will be able to create robots with consciousness like us, is just evidence of the amazing capacities of the human mind.

    The essay "Dream- Logic, the Internet and Artificial thought" by David Gelenter gave us a more realistic view about AI. The author says, "expecting intelligence to emerge on the Internet is like expecting a car to move when you floor the accelerator, even though it has no motor" (Gelenter, 207). This means that no matter how hard scientists and researchers try to generate consciousness in machines and robots it will be impossible to generate; since they lack the basic element of consciousness, the brain or mind. David Gelenter gaves a lot of value to the human intelligence. He is completelly sure that computers and machines will never be able to act and behave like us. He gave a lot of reasons to support his view, some of them are that computers lack a lot of characteristics that will enable them to be consciouss. Like free-association, hallucinations, and stimulations. Basically David Galender believes we will have in the future very strong machines but never with consciousness. Instead we will have "zombies", super intelligent machines that will sound and behave intelligently but with no consciousness at all.

    In our LIB 101 we saw a video call "Waseda Face Robot- ROBORAMA"; in this video a robot is presented simulating all types of human face expressions. This video is very helpful for us to understand how advanced is the ideal of AI so far. The robot in this video has a lot of human abilities; he reacts when someone speaks or hits him; he can hold an apple without damage it. He can say hi and bye and so on. This robot show us that it may be possible to create a machine that will act and think just like humans. This video relates to the ideals in the book by Ray Kurzweil, which I metioned in my second paragraph. They both agree that to generate consciouss in machines is very possible and that it will happen in a very near future.

    In conclussion, I think that AI will be possible in a near future. I'm pretty sure that there is nothing we can do to stop it from happening. I also believe that it will bring with it both benefits and harm; even though robots will be very useful for us and will make our lifes much easier. There is the possibility for them to take over and use us maybe in a extreme case as their "pets or their food"...

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